Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hanging with the boyfrannnnnnnnn....

I'm sorry...the what?! Boyfrannn...? When I saw this "word" on FB, I wanted very badly to ask the poster what the hell it meant, and if she actually SAID that word, or just typed it. So, I did. In this case, it was my baby sister, who was just being silly. But it brings me to my next rant. I absolutely HATE how some (most, sadly) kids, and even some adults type these days. What is with all the extra letters? If you type "Going to the storeeeeeeeeeee" instead of "Going to the store", does the inclusion of extra 'e's give it extra importance? My sister tells me it's the same as putting emphasis on that word. I told her that's what CAPS are for! It really drives me nuts. I mean, if you type "I'm sooooooo excited to go to the zoo tomorrow!", that is fine. The extra 'o's in so don't bother me. But when you type "Going to hanggggggg with myyyyyy guuuuurrrrlllll tonightttttttt", I want to punch you. Hard. Also, don't try to change the spelling of words. My is still spelled with a 'y'. Never, ever is it mi. That is the abbreviation for Michigan. It's also not miiiii. That is nothing, just letters. Girl is not gurl. And if you are going to take the time to write kno, why leave out the 'w'? One last thing. Please stop typing LiKe tHiS. It hurts my head. Sadly, I see that more in adults then kids. Peeeeaaaaacccceeeeeeeee Ouuuuuuuuttttttttttt hoooooommmmmeeeeessss!


  1. Dear sister, I have said many times... It's not EMPHASISING a word... It's speaking like you are stretching it out... The only times I ever do that, is when I want it to be read as it is stretched. Get it? ;) Silly girl. lol. I also want to punch people in the face for tyyyppppiing liiike thiiissss... Because if you spoke like that, well, I would assume you had mental problems of some sort. Or saying "somethingggg"... How do you drag a 'g'? That's like a strutter... Haha! And the "Boyfrannn" thing is actually a joke between me and Lee-Ann.. Just didn't think about the fact that to other's it sounds ridiculous... lol. :-P

  2. Also, posting a comment on this site is a gigantic pain in the ass! lol. Just so you're aware... You have to go through so much...

  3. Actually, sometimes it IS mi, as in "Lilliana es mi hija." But since we don't speak spanish, I guess you might be right. Really I just wanted to see if it was hard to post or if Holly was being dramatic... ;)

  4. Minor pain, not major, but I do have a google account, which I'm sure helps...

  5. I have a suggestion for you. Don't ever read comments by your cousin Jason. He'll put you over the edge.
    Is it okay to write "wif (with) "free (three), "psaghettii (spaghetti)", or "lellow (Yellow)" if you are telling someone what the babies said and you are using quotes? :-)

  6. Heather, I onlt had a aim account but for some reason it was telling me that it wasn't correct, and than when I coiuldn't figure it out the only thing I could do was hit back... And everything I typed was gone! I wanted to puch the computer screen... lol.

    And Aunt Barb... WOW... lol!

  7. And it happened again just now... lol... Also, apparantly I am drunk because I can not type...

  8. Yes Aunt Barb, that is totally acceptable. Quoting babies, or anyone else, doesn't count :)

    And Holly, I even had trouble commenting. It did the same thing to me for some reason. But then today I came to Heather's, and now it's letting me do it on her computer. Not sure why.
