Saturday, July 2, 2011

Get your own oven!

Something that I have notice in life, is that some people just enjoy being miserable. We all have that friend, or family member, who complains about everything, but when you try to help/offer a solution, they have a million reasons why "that just won't work". Well, it is even worse on FB. It goes something like this:

Complainer: I really want ribs for dinner, but I don't have any here :-(
Helpful Friend: Go to the store silly!
Complainer: I don't have a car :( :(
Helpful Friend: I can drive you if you want.
Complainer: I have no money, it sucks.
Helpful Friend: Awww! Well I will buy them for you!
Complainer: I don't have an oven either, and never will.
Helpful Friend: I have two ovens! Take one of mine.
Complainer: I have no room in my house for ovens. It's too small. Boo hoo :( :(
Helpful Friend: I have two houses too. I'll give you one of those as well :)
Complainer: I'm just gonna order a pizza.
Helpful Friend: .....

*New Post*
Complainer: I sure wish I had some ribs to go with my pizza!

I'm sure you have all seen those posts, or a variation of them. Maybe you've even been the helpful friend at some point. I know I have! I once had a friend like that. I tried and tried to help her all the time. She always had a reason why it wouldn't work. So, I no longer offer my help. Go ahead and vent to me, I'll still listen. But if I have offered you help, or solutions, and you just continue to complain and refuse to take the help, I won't offer it anymore. I do have many friends and family that at least TRY my solutions, or take my offers to help. So I continue to try to help those ones whenever possible. But the few that are still waiting on ribs, well, they will just have to get their own ovens!


  1. Lmao! This made me laugh so hard! XD

  2. You can buy me ribs anytime! Mmmm... ribs...

  3. I completely understand what you are saying here, been there as well, offering help and solutions just to get more excuses back on why that person cant or wont do things for themselves.. it is very frustrating and sometimes even heartbreaking...
