Sunday, October 23, 2011


Seriously. What is wrong with people?? Why does no one want to just take care of their own damn kids these days? Now I understand, some people have to work. That is understandable. But if you send your kid to a sitter every single weekend, especially if you work too, so you can party, then you should have waited to have kids. Plain and simple. Having a "date night" every couple weeks, or even once a week, fine. However, if you ship your kid off to anyone who will take him or her every chance you get, you disgust me. Or if you leave your kids home alone so you can go down the street to get wasted. You don't deserve kids. Some parents have kids who have died, or are dying right now. They have or had precious little time with their babies. Yet you so willingly give yours up?! Why? Honestly, tell me why? What in the world is more important than your child? Drinking and partying? Before you know it, your kid won't want to hang out with you. They will be a teenager, who just wants to go out with their friends. You'll have plenty of time to go out and do anything you want then. You can NEVER get this time back. People always make rude, snarky comments, and joke about the fact that I (almost) never have/let anyone watch my children. Why is it a bad thing that I enjoy being with my kids? They won't be little forever. One day, much too soon, they will have their own things to do. I will have plenty of time to myself then. Of course everyone, even myself, needs a break sometimes. But hang out with your kids sometimes too! I bet they are fun. You don't need to buy them everything under the sun to give them a good childhood. Just be there, with them. It doesn't matter how much stuff you cram into their room if they are never in it anyway! Now, before you start talking about "fostering independence" and all that crap, let me be clear. I am not saying that children should never be babysat, or that they should spend every waking moment with you. My children have been babysat. My older two both go to school, and do quite well. My oldest goes to his best friend's almost every day after school. The baby spends pretty much every moment with me, but he's only 10 months old, give me a break here. I am just saying that if every single thing you do, or are invited to, does not allow kids, you might need some new hobbies, or new friends. If every single weekend you need a sitter for the entire weekend, you might be partying a bit too much. My friend's little boy is sick. He very well might not be around next year. (It's no one you know Holly.) She has precious little time with her child. There are so many parents out there going through the same kind of thing. Just please, spend time with your kids! Next time you get that "No kids please" invitation for the 3rd time that month, consider sending your regrets. One day your children will thank you.


  1. lol, were you anticipating the *panic* "OMG WHO'S KID!?" comment that I was ready to give? lol. That is horribly sad though, poor little one and their poor parents. :(

  2. Toni,
    Don't let the remarks bother you. People also made those remarks to me. I was very PICKY on when I did leave my children who I left them with. Tonia was 7 before I left her overnight and that was with one of my sisters. Bill and I really didn't have the strong desire to go out with out them. Once in a blue moon we would get one of my sisters or my mom to watch them, but most generally we took them with us. Even on New Years Eve, we stayed home with them. They loved that night. They got to go out with us during the day and pick out their favorite pop & junk food. Then at night, we pulled out their mattresses in the living room and we watched movies that they picked out earlier. Great memories, with our kids.

  3. We do the same thing for New Year's Eve too Aunt Barb :)
    And yes Holly, that was exactly what I was anticipating ;) It is very, very sad. Remind me next time we talk, and I'll tell you all about the little guy.
