Now this may come as a shock, but Facebook is not the only place on the internet filled with awful spelling and grammar. There is also Babycenter. If you have never heard of Babycenter (BBC), well you probably don't have kids. Seriously though, it's a message board for pregnant women and parents. It's mostly mothers, but you have the occasional father as well. It can be a great place to go for information and/or support. My birth board for my daughter was, and still is, the best group of ladies ever. We are still a very close knit group, even five years later. It can also be a place full of heated debates over everything. Such as breast vs bottle, cloth diapers vs disposable, or if you should vaccinate or not. Not to mention the always fun chocolate milk threads ;) And the spelling.... Oh the spelling.
Today I was reading a post on the birth board for my youngest. A mother was asking for advice on an overly clingy baby. Several moms commented, but then I saw this: "wraps his arms around my leg and balls." Wha..? o_O After several very confused seconds, I realized that she meant BAWLS, as in cries. Not balls, as in testicles. Well, that makes a bit more sense. I continued to read different posts on the site, and saw somany lovely gems. Such as a young "pregnate" girl, someone who had all their belongings thrown out on the "curve", and someone who was not vaccinated, and "either" were her parents.
I think my all time favorite though (so far, of course), is the escape goat. A young lady was complaining about her "syco MIL". It didn't take long for the group to decipher that how she meant it: phsyco mother-in-law. They proceeded to give her their usual brand of advice, and a few snarky comments on her spelling. No, I was not one of them. I very rarely post on DWIL. Then the OP, or "original poster", came back to update. She proceeded to give more details, then complained that her mother-in-law was "accusing me of using her as my escape goat!". Cue the pictures of goats in saddles.
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