Sunday, July 21, 2013

Nutella, I hate you.

Okay, well I don't really hate Nutella, just the commercial. You know the one. Where the mom is talking about how her kids never listen to her? If you haven't seen it, here it is:

What I hate about this commercial, is that we are all supposed to smile and nod at her kids that straight up ignore every damn thing that she says. "Yup, I hear you there!" we are all supposed to say. Well I'm sorry, but no. MY kids will listen when I tell them to put their plates in the sink (and I shouldn't have to tell them, they know better!). If they don't, I will drag them back by their ears, and THEN they will definitely put their plates in the sink.

It is really, really irritating to me that having children that listen is so rare these days. Almost every parent I know either doesn't even bother trying, or has to bribe, reason with, or beg their kid(s) to listen. SERIOUSLY?!? When did the kids become the ones in charge??

You are not doing your kid any favors by being lazy with your parenting. Yes, it can be hard to teach kids proper manners, respect, and listening if you haven't been teaching it. However, it is worth it. My kids are not perfect. They can be bratty, and have fits, like any child. But they also pick up after themselves (even the two year old), use manners, and know how to listen. It wasn't hard to teach them these things. It was expected of them from a very young age, so it is now second nature to them. Starting now will be hard, if you have never taught your child these things, but please do it anyway. Your child will thank you as an adult. No boss/landlord/teacher/etc. will give your child their way because they throw a fit, demand it, or try to bargain. And you will not be able to call up these people if your child gets fired, or evicted and convince them that Little Johnny doesn't deserve such mean treatment.

Now, not everyone I know is like this. Some people are big meanies, like I am. So if you are reading this and thinking "Hey! My kids do clean up after themselves, and they always use manners, you asshole!" Then clearly I am not talking about you. So calm down ;) However, if you are thinking "That Toni is such a mean judgemental bitch. Just because she's mean, that doesn't mean I have to be!! Screw her!". Well, you keep thinking that, as you are cleaning your six year old"s room, since he won't. Or picking up your eight year old's plate, because she "doesn't feel like it". I'll be over here relaxing, since my kids already cleaned up :D

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