Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What's your hurry?

I just don't understand what the big rush is. Every time I'm out driving, everyone around me seems to be in such a hurry! I got passed twice today on the way to the video store, and I was doing the speed limit. I'm sorry world, but I just don't see the need to speed everywhere I go. I wasn't late for anything, so why should I hurry? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not that annoying person who does 5 under all the time. I just stick to the speed limit. Although my sister might disagree with that! Anytime she rides in the car with me, she spends most of the time heavy sighing, rolling her eyes, and reminding me that "It isn't 35 until you hit the sign!". Sorry sis ;)  I have a friend who does ten over everywhere. Why? I have no idea. But she does have a pile of speeding tickets for her efforts. Personally, I think that, especially if you have children in your car with you, everyone just needs to slow down a little. Not because I'm worried that you will crash or anything (but please don't). But mostly because I have had the best conversations with my kids while we were in the car. Haven't you? My kids and I talk the whole time, and they say the best things! If you can't talk to your kids, because the radio is too loud, turn it down. You'll be alright. Also, stop texting and driving! Oprah and Justin Bieber would be very disappointed in you. Don't you ever watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition?


  1. Oprah and Justin Bieber were on Extreme Makeover??? Was it together? lol. I am such a paranoid and cautious person, I am pretty sure I will forever be "that person who goes 5 under all the time". Hehe...

  2. I have been a speed limit person most of my life. My family & friends would volunteer to drive because we might get there 5 minutes earlier. So far I am ticket free, excuse me while I go knock on wood..............................
    I'm back. Now having said that, this doesn't mean that I have never looked down and noticed that I am 5 miles over. If I see this I immediately slow down.
    I get really frustrated when I am going the stated speed limit and someone is riding my butt. Do they not realize this won't make me go any faster? In fact, I may just do the opposite and slow down.
    I also want you to know that I do come to full and complete stop at stop signs or when turning right at a red light. Last time I went over to your house some of your family members (okay mine too) were making comments because of my full stops.
    I say, "Let our friends & relatives make fun of us. Even curse us they they choose. We won't be moved by their snares and glares. We will crawl along safely wherever we go.

  3. Holly- No, Justin Bieber was on an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition featuring a family that lost a daughter in a texting and driving accident. Oprah had the same family on her show. On both shows everyone signed a pledge stating that they will not text and drive.

    Aunt Barb- Well that must be where I get it from then! And I agree, let them talk/yell/curse, we just keep chugging along ;)

  4. Awwwww that's so sad :(
